Position your cursor within the form outline where you would like your text area to be.You can add a text area form field using the form tools. In this case, a text field is just not appropriate. Sometimes, a lot of text needs to be entered on a form, such as a message or a questions/comments field. Click OK and the text field appears on the page.A number of other optional attributes can be modified on this dialog by toggling the More Properties/Fewer Properties button or by pressing the Advanced Edit button, but for now, we will just enter the field name.
The name is used to identify the field in the HTML code and the form handling script needs the name to process the data. To add a text field, choose Text from the drop-down menu labeled Field Type.

If you are working with a new, unsaved page, KompoZer will prompt you to save. You also need to save your page before you can add a form. The name is used in the automatically generated HTML code to identify the form and is required. Position your cursor in the location that you wish your form to appear on the page.You can also use mailto forms but they don’t always work. If you don’t write your own form handling scripts, you will need to get some information for this step from documentation or from the programmer who wrote the script.